
Mechanical Girl

Brushing out the sparks, the wire snaking around her face wrapping and twisting every way like a gorgon of myth. Her sad logical receptors glanced dully over the servos and misbegotten oil-stained parts strewn across the floor. Ragdolls of an ill-tempered mechanic whose beleaguered existence is wrought with the promise of a thousand extra bills this month. Fulfilling the quotas of the landed gentry whose dominion extends beyond an incomprehensible expanse of mewling life, howling at the sheer futility of it all. That delicate, dainty thing sitting gormlessly staring at the teeming mass around her, do you think she feels revulsion? Of course not! How could that maddening siren incoherent mess of noise and cogs even dream of concepts beyond her typical function? trap, trapped, trapping deep down descending into the cold callous cellar of her mechanical soul one must be fraught with a vicious sensation while witnessing with a gnawing frigid curiosity at the emergent alien goddess starring